Saturday, February 28, 2009

Opening the Blog

All right, here you go everyone. It might be easier to stay up to date or keep interest in this project if you have a better idea of what's going on more often, so I made this blog. This way I can post more often without interrupting the other projects on The Daily Click.

OldManClayton told me the other day that one reason he hadn't originally shown interest is because I make long posts, so I'm going to practice shorter ones. Here goes:

Story: Story discussion I have decided to halt for a bit. It wasn't moving much of anywhere. Instead, it'd be nice if everyone gave input on what kinds of areas they want.

Programming: Still need an engine. Matthew's engine will be nice if he can add slopes, slippery floors, jump through platforms, and ropes. I also liked SevenT2's stuff. I'm making a level editor.

Graphics: I need people to make tilesets and objects for the level editor.

All right then, that should be good.

1 comment:

  1. So you started a blog? That's perfect! They have a built-in poll object!


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